Not quite that simple though. If it costs £11k to house and feed a person for a year and you have 1 person on £200k and 9 unemployed people, then you have to tax that person £100k in order for your population to not to die off, and that person will probably spend £50k on "stuff" and lock the rest away. If they're all paid £20k instead, they each pay for their own living costs with a nice £9k each to spend, and you don't actually need to collect any tax.
Clearly this is beyond useless as an economic model but the point is that it's complicated.
If you had 200k, and paid it all to one person for doing their job they would contribute more taxes than 10 people being paid 20K to do their job.
More tax money is a good thing no? So surely its not as simple as people with money = bad?