I got sent this one yesterday. 4 bed new build with gated parking for under £700k https://www.rightmove.co.uk/new-homes-for-sale/property-75154615.html
Although I thought most people with camper vans stored them at some secure storage place rather than at their house.
The problem I find with every new build in London that I look at - in the places that I can live - is that they seem to be carved out and hemmed in with very little space around them; as if the plot of land they are built on is just too small for what they are. This seems to have that problem. I'd find that view from the kitchen incredibly depressing. The view from the balcony equally so.
The OV place didn't seem to have this problem, at the level of detail I was looking at, anyway.
The way they prioritised an open car park over, say, larger gardens, boggles the mind, too.
Where would I park my camper van that doesn't exist yet but might?
Leytonestone is full of crazies. Wanstead flats is nice though.
Fully prepared to learn about gouging 'service' charges and would use that to negotiate heavily on price. If it ever got anywhere near that stage. The place might be shit.
Presumably he read his fucking lease before putting the money down on the flat? Or did these charges just appear out of nowhere?