We all know the easy British explanation for our cumulative export
defeat in world markets from the 1950s onwards, especially at the
hands of the Germans. This story tells us that lucky West Germany had
all her industries and infrastructure bombed flat or removed as
reparations, and then was able to re-equip herself from scratch with
Marshall Aid dollars. Meanwhile, so this hard-luck story goes on, poor
old Britain had to struggle on with worn-out and old-fashioned kit.
Britain actually received more than a third more Marshall Aid than
West Germany ...
This is utter myth. Britain actually received more than a third more
Marshall Aid than West Germany - $2.7 billion as against $1.7 billion.
She in fact pocketed the largest share of any European nation. The
truth is that the post-war Labour Government, advised by its resident
economic pundits, freely chose not to make industrial modernisation
the central theme in her use of Marshall Aid
truth is that the post-war Labour Government, advised by its resident
economic pundits, freely chose not to make industrial modernisation
the central theme in her use of Marshall Aid
From @hugo7 's link