Scrapyards are inherently dangerous. Heavy machinery, tradesmen in a hurry, etc. I’ve had a few near misses (massive trucks without reversing noises, sketchy close passes, glass fragments in the arm, etc) and I considered myself visible, careful and aware of my surroundings. These kinda guys don’t want anything squidgy in the way, it’s certain death.
With that aside, they also work on an incredibly fast rotation, so no time to wait or for you to try lift that half a car off the nice pile of steel.
Oh aye? I'm usually after metal scrap (bar, tube, plate, section etc. for welding) plus old tools and machinery (power tools, motors, etc.) Bikes a but less, but I would consider them.
Is it the case that he would reserve stuff as it comes in or can you go in and have a poke around?
Where is it btw?