I think a small cog in my head finally clicked into place and things shifted.
The biggest realisation was that 'diets' only work for the time you are on them. Once off you tend to revert back to the old ways.
So I've gone back to cooking meals, trying not to drink too much ale (that is the REALLY hard bit for me) and making sure exercise is included everyday.
It's a lifestyle change and it's a difficult thing to do. I slip up on some days but now realise it's not the end of the world if I scoff a whole pizza to my self with a couple of bottles of imperial stout. Just be good the next day instead of thinking I've failed and eat even more because I'm pissed off with myself.
I've said this before but it's worth repeating.
'Eat food, not too much, mostly vegetables.'
'You can't outrun your fork'
'Never two in a row'
I'm even doing the C25K now and I fucking hate running!
2/1/17 116kg
2/2/18 103 kg
12/1/19 89.2kg 29.1 BMI
9/2/19 87.5kg 28.6 BMI
8/3/19 85.8kg 28.0 BMI
24/8/19 81.4kg 26.6 BMI
Opps. Forgotten to post for a while.
However next month should see me below 80kg. I'm now getting complimented at work several times a week on how slim I look.
It's a good feeling!