• #28127
Enjoying the last week of just about being able to get away with riding home with no lights before the clocks change this weekend. Little casual off road sections with the dying light. Lovely.
Some parent had to tug their child away who seemed amazed by my trackstand at a set of lights this morning. Managed to get into the office before the rain started too. Not bad.
• #28128
First visitation in a thousand odd miles or so yesterday, big lump o flint. Must have caught it on the way in and slow punctured throughout the day as I only noticed as I was leaving. A pleasant, warm, office-based patching for a change.
• #28129
Going up a slight incline dude on a ratty old hybrid gets out of the saddle, pops a spoke and pops the noodle out of the qr on his rear canti brake. Stops at the lights atop the hill and he looks perplexed at his now broken bike. Asked if he needed a hand and got told to fuck off. No worries mate.
• #28130
Well, sounds like he needed a spoke not a hand.
• #28131
Visitation yesterday in Battersea, large chunk of glass. Under-bridge-paranoid tyre fixing with many people passing by. First one with the new tires as well, but I see that it's been 2700 kms already. Maybe I should get couple of Durano Plusses next time. (although I already purchased a pair of nice TL Hutchinsons for my new wheels, woot... waiting for the build)
• #28132
Unseasonably warm. Weather app reports that it was 17 degrees at 7am this morning when I left. It’s nearly November.
• #28133
5 degrees this morning, first proper cold commute. Enjoyed it though!
• #28134
Trusted my wife's weather report, put on 3 layers. Within 1 mile of leaving the house I was a big bag of sweat.
• #28135
Onion + vagina = popped noodle?
• #28136
I saw 0 degrees on my Wahoo this morning. Totally incorrect glove choice.
Glad the hot water is back on in the showers in the office.
• #28137
First time this autumn with gloves and fully long lycra, seemed worth it. Probably a bit warm on the way home though.
My bike is making some no-good creaking sounds, the brake needs to be adjusted, and the chain probably needs to be changed. I feel sorry for it, it's not getting much love right now.
• #28138
new howies longs arrived just in time - frost on the ground, 3° on my gps and very foggy this morning.
still saw a few others out in shorts though!i'm convinced that a lot of drivers don't know how to use their lights, or maybe even how to turn them on since the advent of automatic / daytime running lights.
loads of people driving with just DRLs so no lights at all at the back.mind you, still a lot of people on bikes with woefully inadequate lighting.
• #28139
I knocked on a car window (on motorbike) a couple of years ago and told the woman driving that she had no lights on (it was past 9pm).
Her reply: Do you know how to turn them on...?
It's not my fucking car...!
• #28140
Bloody gorgeous through CPP this morning. New lower gearing has relegated me to more of a pootle. Quite nice really.
• #28141
Frist time i got my clothing choice correct, didn't over heat this morning. Granted I am slower on the Brompton, then again why so serious prommuting to work?
• #28142
Bullshit. Bet you were in full city Rapha garbs.
• #28143
I've had the same. I sat next to the guy at some lights on fudxbridge rd letting him know when he'd managed to turn them on.
• #28144
Do you have green bar tape?
• #28145
Strava weather plugin gizmo says it felt like -1 this morning. Plenty of sunshine which is a pain as it now rises directly in front of me at the end of a long straight again now the clocks have changed.
• #28146
Nope! I don't let it get that far :P
• #28147
Ha! I keep seeing chaps on dolans but alas, ‘tis not you
• #28148
Yeah to be fair when you ride a Dolan (especially the FXE) you have to accept that you will definitely not stand out much, there's quite a few of them out there at the moment - and I keep seeing more and more geared Dolan bikes, too.
• #28149
I remember pulling up at the lights about to turn onto London Bridge one evening and being one of four Dolan's sitting there!
Was weird!
• #28150
Hair flowing in the wind, or helmeted up?
It's like a game of Guess Who
Yes it was warm wasn't it?
Office moved to Kennington this week. Second time using the "no bridges" route, I was able to avoid getting lost under the Wandsworth roundabout this time. Compared to the northern side of the river, slightly increased cuntery between Wandsworth-Battersea-Vauxhall. My camera at the front is affecting GPS so I might also get an Apeman.
The commute back is harder because it's dark and full of right turns to catch. Yesterday didn't get lost due to leaving before dark and going slow, today it'll be interesting.