well, it's been a month since our cat turned growly and hissy.
been to vet's, can't find anything wrong.
Just had a few days in cattery with no major drama, but the cattery staff aren't with the cat all the time and said he is chatty/happy mostly because it means feeding time, and he asks for seconds like he always does.
vet and cattery both suggested he will take a while to settle down as we moved house in August.
I don't know maybe this is delayed shock to moving and cat is older this time.
had to pick up some flea treatment from vet (village vets) and spied a Feliway plug in pack, enquired about price (had already considered this to try next) and it was a spendy £37 each, so back to amazon and have 2 plug in atomisers at like £31 then 2 refills. So we get to plug one in upstairs and downstairs and nuke the house for 2 months and see if he reverts back to normal over next few weeks......
well, it's been a month since our cat turned growly and hissy.
been to vet's, can't find anything wrong.
Just had a few days in cattery with no major drama, but the cattery staff aren't with the cat all the time and said he is chatty/happy mostly because it means feeding time, and he asks for seconds like he always does.
vet and cattery both suggested he will take a while to settle down as we moved house in August.
I don't know maybe this is delayed shock to moving and cat is older this time.
had to pick up some flea treatment from vet (village vets) and spied a Feliway plug in pack, enquired about price (had already considered this to try next) and it was a spendy £37 each, so back to amazon and have 2 plug in atomisers at like £31 then 2 refills. So we get to plug one in upstairs and downstairs and nuke the house for 2 months and see if he reverts back to normal over next few weeks......