haha. people are fucking weird.
i had similar on a classified on retrobike a while ago. goodish price, had been on sale for ages, guy says open to offers.
asked a few questions, made a decent offer (not a dirty bastard of a lowball), guy goes in a massive unfriendly huff. pointed out his own ad invited offers and that he is getting upset at himself and he agrees but doesn't resurrect the sale and i can't be fucked dealing with him anyway. #facepalm
Struck up a conversation with an Ebay seller about a variation of an item he's listing. I've bought from this guy before, he's OK. He says he has the variation I want.
He lists the item for me as BIN and says make an offer, and to be fair the BIN price was good.
I make an offer of BIN minus a few quid because I'd feel an idiot if I didn't.
The item vanishes, he's ghosted me