Doesn't affect your set up though with the stem housed junction box.
And the bars are very, very lovely I might add- despite the slight bar-end idiosyncrasy. Even if you aren't running Di2, I'd recommend the Vibe bar and at £40 I'd have yer hand off If I needed some more...
Aaaaaand...... even if you DO want the bar end knobber, the external/ under tape thing really isn't a big deal- just though it was worth pointing out to folk.
Doesn't affect your set up though with the stem housed junction box.
And the bars are very, very lovely I might add- despite the slight bar-end idiosyncrasy. Even if you aren't running Di2, I'd recommend the Vibe bar and at £40 I'd have yer hand off If I needed some more...
Aaaaaand...... even if you DO want the bar end knobber, the external/ under tape thing really isn't a big deal- just though it was worth pointing out to folk.
B to the UMP