• #25027
We've recently been able to secure funding from an up and coming green-energy company (don't worry, branding will be subtle and minimal!) and have been able to produce new, exciting and informative info-graphics.
1 Attachment
• #25028
So, 12th December it seems to be
• #25030
Thank you
• #25031
So, in London people, e.g. Corbyn, were waiting to see if the EU would offer an extension. Johnson throws his toys out of the pram and now the EU apparently says it will wait for developments in London.
This is so tiresome.
• #25032
The DUP warns about possible unrest--this comes a couple of days after a mollifying article somewhere along the lines of 'no worries, times have moved on, loyalists aren't that exercised'.
Political move or genuine?
• #25033
The level of rhetoric has gotten to the freedom (Brexit) or death (Remain) stage.
Can we have cake for everyone instead plz..
• #25034
So it's likely to become a chicken and the egg situation, the opposition parties won't go for an election until an extension is confirmed and the EU won't confirm an extension until the UK knows what its doing.
There's lots or reasons why a 12th December election would not be good for the Labour party, off the top of my head. Its just in time for university students to me going home for Christmas and it would be a happy coincidence for the Tories that its likely to disenfranchise lots of young people.
• #25035
That may be what Johnson's hoping. They'll find a way to resolve it, though.
• #25036
As I understand it, Labour only need to kick the election can down the road a week or so and then the election can't take place until some time in January which will improve things.
• #25037
Apart from y'know the potential for another hung parliament with brexit deadline looming.
But at least we'll get blue passports.
• #25038
• #25039
Wouldn't an earlier election (e.g., November) be better for Labour? Mind you, I have no idea what their general electoral prospects are like at the moment.
• #25040
Labour won't win an overall majority at the next general election, given their position on Brexit and, sadly, their leader. A coalition is their best hope.
• #25041
The Home Office still thinks we're going to get them any day now...put one on your xmas list?
• #25042
Not to dredge the point on JC and the IRA too much. But it's worth pointing out that the accusation isn't solely about his meetings with Sinn Féin. Also as pointed out somewhere in there the whole matter is complicated by the overlap between all factions.
C4 fact check has a good summary: https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-corbyn-on-northern-ireland
• #25043
Old folk die after Christmas, because their grand children are vectors for disease.
Election in mid january would work better, students back at Uni. Fewer old people and they are less likely to go out and vote during a cold spell.
• #25044
For the election to be 12th Dec it has to be called by the 31st if I understand correctly, any later than that and it’ll roll forward into Jan.
• #25045
Just for lols
if you can't stomach the whole thing just watch a couple of mins from 10.30
• #25046
There’s been a fair bit of talk on the student factor, which I don’t understand. Students can be registered at two addresses.
To me it seems more likely they’ll only be registered at their parents than their Uni address.
Or is it something else? -
• #25047
Interesting, thanks
• #25048
End of term - they'll all be pissed and in the process of leaving and won't remember to vote/get round to voting/remember where they are registered/etc. Just adds a bit more confusion into the process, I guess.
• #25049
Students are much less likely to vote when at home too.
• #25050
I would imagine that at least part of it is parties being nervous about their ability to get people knocking on doors in December.
They've already had hustings so I'd think it would be quite quick. Don't know for sure though.