I don't think there's a suitable quantum algorithm for immediate cracking of hashes like SHA-256 at silly speeds.
Things that rely on factorisation or discrete logarithms (e.g. RSA, etc) are definitely susceptible via Shor's algorithm in a quantam computer.
The best known quantum algorithm for cryptographic hashes is due to Grover et al and, at best, reduces the effectiveness of a hash to 2^(n/3) where n is the hash size. That's a significant reduction but far from crackable instantly.
I don't think there's a suitable quantum algorithm for immediate cracking of hashes like SHA-256 at silly speeds.
Things that rely on factorisation or discrete logarithms (e.g. RSA, etc) are definitely susceptible via Shor's algorithm in a quantam computer.
The best known quantum algorithm for cryptographic hashes is due to Grover et al and, at best, reduces the effectiveness of a hash to 2^(n/3) where n is the hash size. That's a significant reduction but far from crackable instantly.