I think that’s heavier duty stuff than I’ve used for my jigs so far.
I’ve ordered some stuff this morning actually, a 1m section of 2080 to form the base, I’ll reuse the 750mm bit of 2060 from my fork jig to hold the seattube, bought another bit of 2060 to hold the headtube and I’ve bought some chunks of ali bar to (try to) turn my own cones for head and seat tubes.
I’m going to use some blocks of ali to make pivots for the upright sections.
It’ll all be fairly light stuff, I’m hoping that doesn’t mean it’s too flimsy.
Even if it doesn’t work out I have only spent about £60-70 at the moment and I’ll be able to use it all for some other jig or something I’m sure.
mine is the same extrusion as the ideas to cycles people but different design.