Yes, WiFi, oled display and lora onboard. For the purposes of my test, the remote transmitting node has WiFi and oled disabled and wakes from deep sleep every fifteen minutes to send a reading to another Dev board which I have coded to act as a simple gateway. Ie just pushes the contents of received packets straight to thingspeak. Just tested it out to 2km with only quarter wave wire antennas.
Wired is not an option as transmission range is in the kilometers and across terrain that cannot be cabled (crevasses, avalanches etc)
Wired is not an option as transmission range is in the kilometers and across terrain that cannot be cabled (crevasses, avalanches etc)
Yeah, I wasn't thinking of your situation specifically, I was just wondering why someone would produce a lora/wifi module, because either you have a sensor (in which case, why would you have wifi) or you'd have a gateway, in which case you can probably move it a few meters over to where the wired connections are.
Unless there's another use-case I'm overlooking?
Those modules you mentioned, they have LoRa & wifi on the one module? What's the use case for that? If it's to be used as gateway then wouldn't you rather a wired connection?