It was for her "Global Perspectives" A level and it did indeed seem a really good idea. It was actually more about the motivation, viability and thought processes than the technology, but she got together some prototypes. She used the Seeeduino Lorawan board and a Grove loudness sensor to measure and push those measurements out via "TheThingsNetwork" to an AWS (or possibly google compute) instance with elasticstack running on in to graph the noise values.
She mocked up some geographic demos which showed what the finished idea might look like and showed how cheaply you could actually build the thing if you were motivated
Things that she didn't tackle and which seemed difficult were things like calibrating the senors such taht measurements from one were comparable to measurements from another, and also deciding what exactly was being measured, did she just want low frequency engine type noise? or something else.
I thought it was strong piece of work, and actually a really useful one in Amsterdam, where the flight paths from Schiphol are really variable. It can make parts of the city (I'm looking at you Amsterdam Bos) beautiful or horrible depending on where the planes are.
Was also really good for changing the 'ownership' of the data. Noise studies tend to be done by the people making the noise, not the people suffering from it.
My daughter did a prototype "loudness sensor" lorawan device for A level. We libe in Amsterdam where aeroplane noise is quite a thing. The idea was to show that a dense, real-time, noise map would be possible in the city. I thought it was a really interesting idea.