Advice please. Currently running a 2014 MBP 13" + NVIDIA eGPU, mostly for coding work but also some basic data work using Tableau and TensorFlow. I MUST have High Sierra to use the eGPU for Tensorflow as NVIDIA drivers are not available for subsequent OSes.
I've got an offer to get a new laptop from work. As far as I understand, nothing with a T2 chip will run HS. So I can either get a 2017 13" / 15" MBP with the shitty keyboard and run HS, or a 2019 13"/15" MBP and buy (out of my own pocket) something like a 2014 Mac Mini to run HS on my desktop as a separate machine for data stuff. Alternatively I could wait for the 16" MBP, probably next year.
Budget is not an issue and I'm not desperately interested in the productivity benefits of the latest operating system. However there have been significant hardware specification improvements since 2017 I guess.
Advice please. Currently running a 2014 MBP 13" + NVIDIA eGPU, mostly for coding work but also some basic data work using Tableau and TensorFlow. I MUST have High Sierra to use the eGPU for Tensorflow as NVIDIA drivers are not available for subsequent OSes.
I've got an offer to get a new laptop from work. As far as I understand, nothing with a T2 chip will run HS. So I can either get a 2017 13" / 15" MBP with the shitty keyboard and run HS, or a 2019 13"/15" MBP and buy (out of my own pocket) something like a 2014 Mac Mini to run HS on my desktop as a separate machine for data stuff. Alternatively I could wait for the 16" MBP, probably next year.
Budget is not an issue and I'm not desperately interested in the productivity benefits of the latest operating system. However there have been significant hardware specification improvements since 2017 I guess.