Good for buyers as an item can be return for simply "I changed my mind" reason. And I believe a seller would be forced to accept it.
I didn’t realise that’s @shawnb ordered it by mistake. If so, you can open return request by selecting "I changed my mind" or any other option that suits your case. Though you will have to cover the expenses of postage. Return it by using postage label provided by eBay or seller.
You might be eligible to get your shipping expenses refunded by Paypal if you paid for your items via Paypal. Google: "PayPal Return Shipping on Us"
Good for buyers as an item can be return for simply "I changed my mind" reason. And I believe a seller would be forced to accept it.
I didn’t realise that’s @shawnb ordered it by mistake. If so, you can open return request by selecting "I changed my mind" or any other option that suits your case. Though you will have to cover the expenses of postage. Return it by using postage label provided by eBay or seller.
You might be eligible to get your shipping expenses refunded by Paypal if you paid for your items via Paypal. Google: "PayPal Return Shipping on Us"