Well I've been learning the guitar for all of about 2 weeks and I've already bought a second one. Decided I didn't get on with the body shape of the Jackson, being the "dinky" size it's just too small for my to comfortably use on my knee.
So I went to guitarguitar in Camden, played around with a few and picked up an Esp Ltd 256.
They're brilliant guitars. I picked up an Ltd 330 (basically the same as that with a cheaper paintjob) and it's one of my favourite guitars. Really ticks that heavy, humbucky, deep tone itch that I'd only ever been able to scratch with a proper Gibson Les Paul before now.
Well I've been learning the guitar for all of about 2 weeks and I've already bought a second one. Decided I didn't get on with the body shape of the Jackson, being the "dinky" size it's just too small for my to comfortably use on my knee.
So I went to guitarguitar in Camden, played around with a few and picked up an Esp Ltd 256.