yeah... maybe... but I doubt it. There's a lot of pretty basic; they're disruptive communists who don't want the developing world to have anything while they use iPhones...etc.
As I said the 3pts - in particular "Tell the truth" seem like a good frame work. And the quick reversal of the govt's renewable subsidy programme shows that without real constant pressure the support to push energy in a new direction can slip. The fact that we ended up allowing shale exploration at a point when it was no longer really necessary is a perfect e.g. of how fickle govt can be.
The fearmongering element I'm torn on. XR's message often seems to intrench peoples views - or even shift them for the worse. However, I genuinely don't think people have grasped, or to some extent can grasp, the enormity of this.
I'm really hesitant to give this comparison for obvious reasons; but I heard a US guy of Jewish origin give the example of when information about the concentration camps and death camps was given to staff in the US DOS.
The response was basically; I don't think you're lying, but I don't believe it. That seems to neatly sum up where we are. People don't think the science is lying, but they don't believe it.
Eek! Okay, I take that back, they sound obnoxious.
I don’t have a massive issue with point 1 (I think declaring an emergency is a bit pointless if there aren’t policies attached, though). Point 2 I just think is 5 years too quick to be achievable. Point 3 feels way too much like ‘oh and by the way overthrow capitalism’ - I don’t really see that working in the time we have available.
But as for the stuff about the enormity of the problem - yes, it’s important people get that message more clearly. And I support activists like Greta Thunberg and scientists like James Hansen who are trying to get that message out.
Oh, I’m happy with targets. I think I probably share some views with your colleagues - we want to get to the same place but disagree with XR.