Yeah - I got mine after I was road rage hit and run'd (also run down from behind). Funnily enough the only major off since then (collarbone smash) didn't really use the footage as his insurers admitted liability straight away and there were witnesses.
However, on more than one occasion I've pointed the cameras out to arsey drivers and they have backed off. Tbh would report more stuff if I had the time.
To be fair I've had 30 years of road rage and dumb shit and never bothered - I'd have loved cheap cameras for the shit tonne of Aussie hit and runs I've had.
I guess my frustration in finally outweighed the dorkiness+camera cost. Or I just got old enough to think instead of trying to chase people down (which in Oz was almost impossible) and fight them I'd record, submit from the comfort of my home and see them fined/prosecuted.
Before I had cameras I used to very obviously vocalise dangerous driver's numberplates to them to make sure they knew I was taking note of their details. That often helped. So many emails to myself of dangerous driver number plates. Cameras make my brain have to work less in this regard. Wish the Apeman battery lasted longer though.
I started running them because I got sick of all the close passes and maybe I month later I was run down from behind by a woman not looking out her front window. So, in terms of providing evidence of fault, those little cameras were invaluable.