The thing is that maybe the demands are 'unrealistic' but it's not something that XR have made up.
The demands are from the indisputable scientific evidence saying that we have about 12 years to make widespread systemic change.If you have better ideas of how to get power to react to this Crisis then let us know. We just cannot carry on like we are currently
Why are they alienating you? Because they blocked a few intersections?
Aggressive? They are a non-violent protest. They were even singing 'We love you' to the police as they were being arrested.If you've even briefly glanced at last years IPCC report: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/chapter/spm/
you would know that we have around 10 years to drastically cut our CO2 emissions or we pass the point of no return. Do you really think that slowly bringing down the cost of wind power and letting the market decide will get us there? If not, then what do we do?
I think it is characteristically arrogant of movements like XR that they claim to have mainstreamed climate concerns. Greta Thunberg has done more and in a way that doesn’t alienate so many people.
Edit to add - and that’s just people protesting. There are countless people working very hard to transition the economy away from fossil fuels in useful, tangible ways - like helping to bring down the costs of solar, wind and battery technology to the point where we have been using more renewable than fossil energy over the last quarter.
XR is to me the SWP of the climate movement - aggressive, alienating, trying to co-opt everything else, and ultimately sabotaging a lot of good incremental work by making unrealistic demands for total system change.