I was going to use it but now I don't think I'll bother with Squirt:
I've literally now got a block of paraffin wax and cooker to try out so this is happening.
The ziplock was so that I can use less degreaser in a more concentrated form. 500ml bag vs. 3L cleaner or whatever. I could fill the whole cleaner up with pure degreaser and reuse it but most people seem to water it down a bit and add some detergent.
I'm going to clean more chains now. The MSW lubing will have to wait unless you know a bike shop in west london that stocks it. Decided I'm not going to fuck about mixing my own paraffin on a first try - will see what the proper stuff works like and if it's good then I'll try DIY mixes. I want this to be a simple process once I've sussed it. Also, it's raining and I'm lazy.