The only advice I have to give is to work out what you want the place to be, then rip it apart and do everything before you move in (if you can afford it).
This is good advice but if you're thinking about making layout changes I'd recommend living in a place for a while first before making them because it helps you figure out what works and what doesn't. If it's 'just' a refurb and there are no structural/layout changes then definitely a good idea if you can afford to do it.
I'm now onto the second (minor) refurbishment of my flat - critical difference being I'm paying other people to do it now.
The only advice I have to give is to work out what you want the place to be, then rip it apart and do everything before you move in (if you can afford it).
When we bought our place paying workmen was impossible so I did everything, whilst living there - which is why it took forever. I wish I'd been able to blitz through the place before moving in, but that would have meant staying with friends for months - also a non starter.
I am therefore aware that its not always possible to do it the easy way - but having done it the hard way, I'd put extra effort into doing it the easy way!