@scherrit warned me against the cheapest ultrasonic cleaners so i'm getting it from Amazon hoping they've tested any electronics being sold for use in the UK - he had one that failed and when inspected he found it wasn't earthed inside the case.
I've not yet bought a wax heater. I tried to find cheap used one on ebay but they're the same price as the new ones! Was thinking something like:
The ultrasonic cleaner is only necessary when you get a new chain? Might get this, not too fussed about cleaning cassettes with it and it should fit 2 chains. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32859723729.html
Where do you get the wax heater from, the cheap ones are too small no? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32882165687.html
I would probably still have the stuff in the shed, don't think my better half would enjoy the mess this will invariably become in our kitchen / on our dining table.