Thanks. Nothing specific yet, someone I know has had a diagnosis and is currently pretty in the dark about what it means for their life going forward and is kinda scared really. I think we just need to be patient and wait until results are formally back and appts are had. So frustrating sitting on our hands until then
Yeah, took a while for mum's doctor to get her on summat that worked, she still cracked on with her day to day, though she hides her pain quite well. She's had physio and does some light exercises and walks the dog a lot, I think more than anything her positive, it's not stopping me attitude sees her through.
Keep positive would be my mum's advice.
Give me a shout if you'd like to know anything.
My mum suffers with ra, is there anything in particular you'd like to know about, treatments/medications etc?
I know she has had pretty much all the major drugs, they work for a time, then I guess the body gets used to them, and the benefits wear off, so different prescription is given, and on and on. At one point she asked her doctor, aside from the pain, what downsides she would have giving up the meds totally, lucky for me, I'm like her in that regard, pain we can deal with, side effects from meds not so much.
If you want to know something specific, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind me asking and letting you know of her experiences.