After a protracted3315 pages of gradual deterioration towards its inevitable death rictus, it too succumbing to the toxic political pathogens spunked forth by on the one hand, charmless and unrepentant Brexiteer(s), and on the other, the eternal misty eyed and limp membered flaggelations of Winnifred.
A final fattist rape joke was one too many, causing a passing marked by the smell of dick on our collective breaths and also one final shrill and characteristically putrid queef from a 37 year old carpenter who positions himself as some kind of feminist Jesus here to save all our souls from the evils of cheap jokes and mirthful relief.
It was a coarse life, and one assailed by competing political forces, but a full and very occasionally amusing one.
After a protracted3315 pages of gradual deterioration towards its inevitable death rictus, it too succumbing to the toxic political pathogens spunked forth by on the one hand, charmless and unrepentant Brexiteer(s), and on the other, the eternal misty eyed and limp membered flaggelations of Winnifred.
A final fattist rape joke was one too many, causing a passing marked by the smell of dick on our collective breaths and also one final shrill and characteristically putrid queef from a 37 year old carpenter who positions himself as some kind of feminist Jesus here to save all our souls from the evils of cheap jokes and mirthful relief.
It was a coarse life, and one assailed by competing political forces, but a full and very occasionally amusing one.
The dank memes are dead, long live the memes.