I thought you were going to get a professional to do the tiles?
When you say retrospectively remedied I take it you mean without tearing them off the wall? Errr no.
Can they be taken of the wall and put back up? Possibly but I guarantee that you'll fuck at least one of the mosaics and maybe some of the other tiles taking them off. Add to that cleaning the muck off the back will be a pain in the hole and there's even greater scope for fucking a tile up there.
If this was done by a "pro" I'd be witholding payment until he made good at his own cost. At the end of the day he should have checked this first and allowed a larger grout line in the mosaic at the very least (this would still be noticeable but less so than what's there). What he should have done is pointed it out so you could return the mosaics and then help you source and appropriate replacement.
You could always try and style it out, if anyone sees it and asks look at the ground and mumble "errrr it's a design statement".
Can this misalignment of the mosaics be retrospectively remedied? (300mm obviously isn't always 300mm)
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