So saw a large star due South, got a star chart. Turns out it’s Saturn.
I have a few telescopes: in order of success for viewing...
£15 Lidl telescope - no success.
£70 telescope from camera shop, my main spotting scope for shooting - 70x70 - saw the planet and 3 moons.
Really old “GreenKat” spotting scope from the 70s. 20x50 (is that right?). Planet, 3 moons, but sharper than before, and the slight glow of rings going round the planet. Rings inclined at about 15 degrees.
First time I’ve ever seen any thing like this, so I’m very happy to have done it with basic kit from my flat window. What else could I go for?
So saw a large star due South, got a star chart. Turns out it’s Saturn.
I have a few telescopes: in order of success for viewing...
£15 Lidl telescope - no success.
£70 telescope from camera shop, my main spotting scope for shooting - 70x70 - saw the planet and 3 moons.
Really old “GreenKat” spotting scope from the 70s. 20x50 (is that right?). Planet, 3 moons, but sharper than before, and the slight glow of rings going round the planet. Rings inclined at about 15 degrees.
First time I’ve ever seen any thing like this, so I’m very happy to have done it with basic kit from my flat window. What else could I go for?