Yes, I'm aware that USB connectors before type C have to be inserted the right way round! I've got one 810 with a totally-borked USB port, one 810 with a very dodgy one, and a 1000 with a slightly dodgy one. All due to water ingress and subsequent corrosion, as far as I can tell. The totally borked 810 also fried the mSD card with the maps on.
Try lightly scratching at the connectors with a pin. It can just be a thin oxide layer that needs removing to get them working again. The 800 I charged in the rain. The 1000 I have just wasn't waterproof enough. 1030 going well so far. I lost the 1000 in a massive storm during TCR4. After a couple of days, the SD slot, etc dried out and I stopped using my phone to navigate. Lost a bit of data but it was working for the most part.
I don't beg, but I'll differ. I have three Garmins with fully functional USB connectors that have been used with external power, a lot (like, I still don't use Wifi to upload which means I'm plugging in to dump data, load maps, routes, etc as well as race across countries year in year out). You do know USB connectors have a small side and a large side, yeah? :P