*electric vehicles apparently have been produced for commercial uses since the 1900s
In fact, electric vehicles are the OG. There's a whole thing on that topic ranging from actual history to conspiracy theories, but yeah. This is not a bad read. The whole thing is fascinating.
Here is an early e-bike - 10 to 25 miles, max speed 9mph, by English inventors William Ayrton and John Perry. Yes, it has electric lights built-in:
1882! The Cutty Sark was in active duty and relatively young at that point.
It occurred to me yesterday that since I can remember, milk floats were always electric so I figured they must have been made at least 25 years ago. I've just looked it up and they began to become mainstream in the 40s*!
I understand they would have had low speed and small ranges but can anyone explain to me why it has taken 60 or more years for us to implement this into mainstream cars when seemingly we could have had electric vehicles in urban environments decades ago?
*electric vehicles apparently have been produced for commercial uses since the 1900s