May have two little ones joining our household. My mum runs a cafe in the village in Shropshire which is next to a small mechanics garage. The garage owner opened up the other morning and found a pet carrier with two small kittens in, abandoned behind a concrete block on the forecourt. They’re only 5 or 6 weeks old, were cold, dehydrated and not moving or making any noise, just cuddled up together. Can not express how angry this makes me feel when people do shit like this.
They’re quite poorly with flu and their eyes are infected.
Anyway the vet is going to raise them until they’re a bit older and strong enough, give them jabs and the snip then try to rehome them in a month or so. My parents would take them but they have 2 cats, 15 and 13 years old that probably wouldn’t take kindly to 2 toddlers.
Not set in stone yet but my and my other half might adopt them. Just glad to hear they’re going to be fine and not need putting to sleep.
I don't understand people that leave animals like that. Why not just take them to a shelter to be rehomed. At a guess there is an unnuetered cat somewhere.
Exactly. My mum said “at least they left them somewhere where they knew they’d be found”. I was like “absolutely not, fuck those people. They could have handed them into a shelter with no reprocussions”
(Didn’t swear to my mum though)
May have two little ones joining our household. My mum runs a cafe in the village in Shropshire which is next to a small mechanics garage. The garage owner opened up the other morning and found a pet carrier with two small kittens in, abandoned behind a concrete block on the forecourt. They’re only 5 or 6 weeks old, were cold, dehydrated and not moving or making any noise, just cuddled up together. Can not express how angry this makes me feel when people do shit like this.
They’re quite poorly with flu and their eyes are infected.
Anyway the vet is going to raise them until they’re a bit older and strong enough, give them jabs and the snip then try to rehome them in a month or so. My parents would take them but they have 2 cats, 15 and 13 years old that probably wouldn’t take kindly to 2 toddlers.
Not set in stone yet but my and my other half might adopt them. Just glad to hear they’re going to be fine and not need putting to sleep.