I found the difference between HM and full marathons to be huge. It's way more than just twice the distance.
I used to run more than one HM a month (including extending my run commute to be an HM) and could extend this up to ~30km, but pretty much every time past 30km I just fall apart (mostly due to being 15kg overweight).
2h05 to 2h15 HMs finishing feeling great and carried on the rest of the day as normal, sometimes playing 5-a-side later that day, yet I haven't finished a marathon in under 5 hours and each one has left me quite broken.
Likewise the step up from half Ironman to full is quite big. Can get away with middle distance triathlon without it being a lifestyle change (assuming your lifestyle already includes a couple of runs and some weekend cycling). But long distance was a faff trying to fit a couple of training sessions a day in and sacrificing some of the fun rides for 'quality' turbo sessions etc.
It's entirely doable for just about everyone. Got clubmates whose first triathlon was an Ironman, but they tended to be people with a few years solid running behind them.
@CompoS just stick a triathlon in the calendar. There are loads that are very newbie friendly and swimming and cycling will only help improve your running anyway. Swimming would even help recovery
Honestly i think the GF's friend is hugely optimistic that i could do an ironman without collapsing. I think HM are enough of a challenge for now, although i'd like to do a marathon just to see if i can.
Any suggestions for a good marathon that not too hardcore race type. something along the lines of the GNR just further?