Honestly i think the GF's friend is hugely optimistic that i could do an ironman without collapsing. I think HM are enough of a challenge for now, although i'd like to do a marathon just to see if i can.
Any suggestions for a good marathon that not too hardcore race type. something along the lines of the GNR just further?
do a marathon just to see if i can
I'm of the opinion that the vast majority people could complete a marathon, but you have to want to do it and put in a bit of effort sticking to the training etc which does mean making a few sacrifices (early mornings to fit in training runs or not going mad on that night out when you have a big run to do the following day). If you like big events then London is the biggest, though maybe not that local to you.
Maybe too soon?
I found the difference between HM and full marathons to be huge. It's way more than just twice the distance.
I used to run more than one HM a month (including extending my run commute to be an HM) and could extend this up to ~30km, but pretty much every time past 30km I just fall apart (mostly due to being 15kg overweight).
2h05 to 2h15 HMs finishing feeling great and carried on the rest of the day as normal, sometimes playing 5-a-side later that day, yet I haven't finished a marathon in under 5 hours and each one has left me quite broken.
@CompoS: HM, Marathon, Half Ironman* (70.3), Ironman*
* Other events with exact same distances but without heavy branding nonsense are available (and often cheaper)