• #23427
• #23428
I don't usually read the Standard (picked it up to line a cat box) but is it normal for Osbourne to defend Corbyn? Kind of surreal.
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• #23429
I don’t see him defending Corbyn, merely pointing out the political realities of the situation.
• #23430
now there's a face you'd never tire of hitting repeatedly with a hot fucking wok.
• #23431
come on, he said "Mr".
• #23432
explain more, Mr Hell
• #23433
311 v 302 in favour.
Way closer than I expected.
• #23434
Like most things Grieve has orchestrated, it seems rather pointless, as the Government probably won't comply with it, anyway, or at least not soon. Could they have used the last shred of parliamentary time for something more important?
• #23435
Such as?
• #23436
dePfeffel now has five weeks to determine his least objectionable position for a bout of neo-necrophilia with his latest paramour;- Diana Ditch.
• #23437
• #23438
Decent kit in westminster
• #23439
Come on, the official Tory nomenclature for Rjezza is 'the Marxist Jeremy Corbyn'.
[I suspect it is a too late attempt by 'George' to cozy up, should we have a GE, to whichever non-Tory administration asked its new Minister for Culture, Media & Sport, to check what the Medvedevs have been doing with the ownership of the ES and the supposedly 'Local' London tv channel they were gifted by serial failure Jeremy Hunt). -
• #23440
I think he has been a good speaker, impartial, made watching parliamentary debates interesting if not exciting at times. I would say he just about manages to jump before he was pushed.
U dizzy?
The fact that he is bias towards my views doesn't stop me from seeing it.
He gets top marks for hanging in for this long given the stack of complaints against him by staff. Which let's be honest is only down to the backing of the remain majority of the house.
In any normal company he'd have been dismissed, or promoted and moved to another department with no direct line management.
• #23441
Maybe Momentum have got hold of some of the (alleged) photos of him smashing coke and hookers?
• #23442
What in particular do you think he has been biased over?
Surely not Brexit, Bercow pretty much guaranteed that the referendum would happen in the first place. I'm not sure there would have been a referendum at all if it wasn't for Bercow.
• #23443
In any normal company a good bit of Westminster would be sent home for bullying, sexism, misuse of company funds... :)
• #23444
Bullshit. He's ensured the right of parliament to be sovereign. Which is his job.
• #23445
I don't know, that's why I asked. :)
• #23446
There have also been complaints about him and I seem to remember he didn't come out well from the bullying investigations.
• #23447
Thinking particularly about the shinanigans during May's later period. Things like the Grieve amendment.
I guess the counter is that he's given a voice to decenting voices, which in normal times a decent majority would make irrelevant.
On balance I think he's been a decent speaker in exceptional times, but I definitely wouldn't say he's impartial.
• #23448
He gave a lot of time to Eurosceptic MP's before this current period of the executive trying to evade parliament. I think he's done extremely well to resist the pressure put upon him to retreat and allow May and then Johnson to do what they want.
• #23449
Lib Dem are going to put straight-up revocation and remaining in their election manifesto.
Might all London go yellow?
• #23450
I'll take that bet. They're fantasists. And it's a terrible policy that can only be put forward by a party aware that it'll never win power.
The rats are even deserting the upper deck...
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