thinking about getting a projector. I've got a small room that is used for visitors/relatives and mostly turbo training. I want to set up a projector (as pictured) and have it project onto the far wall.
(big L shape is the couch which converts to a bed)
I've got cat6 running into the room so can network a projector. I'd like to be able to cast from my pc to the projector/access netflix etc and have some wireless speakers that can be moved/removed at any time.
Basically I want to be able to use the projector for movies etc but without having a permanent tv in the space where my bike usually sits on the turbo.
thinking about getting a projector. I've got a small room that is used for visitors/relatives and mostly turbo training. I want to set up a projector (as pictured) and have it project onto the far wall.
(big L shape is the couch which converts to a bed)
I've got cat6 running into the room so can network a projector. I'd like to be able to cast from my pc to the projector/access netflix etc and have some wireless speakers that can be moved/removed at any time.
Basically I want to be able to use the projector for movies etc but without having a permanent tv in the space where my bike usually sits on the turbo.
Is a bluetooth soundbar my best bet for audio?