So everyone assumes the government will ‘call an election’. How? What if a newly emboldened parliament refuses to allow it to do so? What if they force the government to remain in post until after Halloween, and force them to seek a long extension?
Then, once that’s done, Boris gets his election. But with a substantial delay in place in which there is scope for the next government to negotiate with the EU, he cannot easily run his election campaign calling for a no-deal exit, and therefore Farage will run his candidates against Tories. Doesn’t look good for him.
Opposition parties who tried to stop an election would tend to look weak or scared and would be unlikely to do so.
However, Labour's demand this time, that they won't back an election until No Deal has been ruled out, is likely to stop the election being called until the House says so.
So everyone assumes the government will ‘call an election’. How? What if a newly emboldened parliament refuses to allow it to do so? What if they force the government to remain in post until after Halloween, and force them to seek a long extension?
Then, once that’s done, Boris gets his election. But with a substantial delay in place in which there is scope for the next government to negotiate with the EU, he cannot easily run his election campaign calling for a no-deal exit, and therefore Farage will run his candidates against Tories. Doesn’t look good for him.