Johnson's so rubbish--again. He must still be used to being able to get away with murder at Mayoral Questions at City Hall--the Mayor of London's almost completely unaccountable, and he could just waffle on and mislead to his heart's content. Here, having as his first reaction a petulant and, frankly, completely nonsensical rant disrespectful of the vote he's just lost (his first-ever vote as PM) was about the most stupid thing he could have done. He could have gained so much if he'd just play-acted a bit and pretended to show humility. Needless to say, he was immediately picked up on it by Corbyn and Blackford, and now everybody's praising Corbyn for his statement, which it has to be said was impressively terse and to the point (which is not often the case in Corbyn speeches).
Johnson's so rubbish--again. He must still be used to being able to get away with murder at Mayoral Questions at City Hall--the Mayor of London's almost completely unaccountable, and he could just waffle on and mislead to his heart's content. Here, having as his first reaction a petulant and, frankly, completely nonsensical rant disrespectful of the vote he's just lost (his first-ever vote as PM) was about the most stupid thing he could have done. He could have gained so much if he'd just play-acted a bit and pretended to show humility. Needless to say, he was immediately picked up on it by Corbyn and Blackford, and now everybody's praising Corbyn for his statement, which it has to be said was impressively terse and to the point (which is not often the case in Corbyn speeches).