Hm, yes, too late, I haven't found an option on the GB shop (got the [black 26" long] set directly there). It isn't that big deal, fits also good now.
On the plus side: they just look awesome, and the size is perfect. Not so good: the fender stays holes could fit better to the fenders holes (fixed and drilled); the hardware bolts may be A2 steel, but I used other ones; some of the washers are too big for my taste; as mentioned in the shop no l-bracket included.
Installing on two bikes mudguards, lots of 'fun' – can recommend a set like these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stainless-Precise-Tapping-Washers-Assortment/dp/B07G1B2BJW/ref=sr_1_16?keywords=NINDEJIN&qid=1567496285&s=gateway&sr=8-16&th=1
Also who has experience with Gilles Bertouhd fenders? I re-drilled the holes from the fender stays because they didn't fit. I think would be better if they don't deliver the fenders drilled at all (for example on the back one I would set the fender stays on a different position).