To give a bit of balance, I’ve been getting a bit fucked off with the massive van that’s been parked right outside my house all week. No idea who it belongs to - it hasn’t moved, and it’s basically all I can see when I look out of my living room window.
Admittedly part of the reading it’s making me cross is that I know they’re completely entitled to park there and I don’t really have just cause to be annoyed.
To give a bit of balance, I’ve been getting a bit fucked off with the massive van that’s been parked right outside my house all week. No idea who it belongs to - it hasn’t moved, and it’s basically all I can see when I look out of my living room window.
Admittedly part of the reading it’s making me cross is that I know they’re completely entitled to park there and I don’t really have just cause to be annoyed.