• #7978
Thesis talked about this before about how they took the 505 and ‘improved’ it across a couple of hundred points... whatever those points are, remain unspecified 😂
• #7979
Carbonda with Quality Control Plus service in Taiwan (tm)
• #7980
Bought recently these:
3K Carbon Seatpost
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32828211078.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dscKMKcOG-EVKIN HB-010 Carbon Handlebar
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32796229765.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dLuxdGxSo far all seems good. The drop bars are nice and compact, could not really find any big brand with similar measurements. They do flex a bit, but nothing worrying (yet, just installed a few days ago).
Forks are great, no issues for the last 500ish kms, same for the seatpost. -
• #7981
Be careful with the Hylix stuff, the quality usually isn't very good
• #7982
Did my first ride today in new Spexcel kit - impressed with the fit, material quality and finish. Would definitely recommend
• #7983
bought from their original shop? are they still faffing about with tracking?
• #7984
where's the preferred jokeley/fauxley proprietor these days
• #7985
Got a gigantic 11-52 Zitto cassette yesterday from Ali, let’s see how it will survive. 408g it has, and it is bigger than my hand.
• #7986
Bought through AliExpress all pretty smooth
• #7987
I have done the Furka and Grimselpass earlier this week in dry/damp morning conditions and live to tell the tale. Was planning on doing Simplon yesterday but too much rain and have only brought the LB wheels.
Did some mild stuff in the Gard the 2 weeks before and noticed a couple mm's shaved off the swiss stop black prince pads. Looks like the grooved track are a bit more intense on the pads than usual brake tracks, but braking is defiantly more grippy and confident.
• #7988
Cool thanks.
Yeah, looks like the grooves might eat yer pads. -
• #7989
Have ordered some raccmer stuff and it seems to run truer to European sizes aka I can get my fat belly in a Large. Pretty decent jersey for 11.45 euro's!
• #7990
I'm looking for a TT cockpit, has anyone got something from aliexpress they can say it's half decent?
• #7991
fwiw: this bleed kit https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32969705364.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.35297aab4ILDlq&algo_pvid=82a01771-2db3-4313-a360-7fd1b7640fb3&algo_expid=82a01771-2db3-4313-a360-7fd1b7640fb3-0&btsid=2a80e5b4-a298-4656-94c4-bbd3ff76ba0f&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3,searchweb201603_52 is all you need for 5 euro's.
• #7992
I have this, its excellent!
• #7994
wholesome content
• #7995
I want to work at light bicycle for the naps and food ...and crabonz
• #7996
This inner tube looks interesting .. Turbolito copy?
• #7997
Weird though because Turbolito is manufctured in Europe isn't it? Not like it could be the traditional "end of the official run knock offs" They also don't look that small. Anyway, order some lets find out.
Do you just cruise aliexpress for interesting looking cycling stuff? Respect if so, seems relatable.
• #7998
Do you just cruise aliexpress for interesting looking cycling stuff? Respect if so, seems relatable.
1 Attachment
• #7999
Things you didn't realise you needed.
• #8000
Turbolito copy?
No, if the blurb is credible - the aliex ones are heavier and made of a different material. That may not be a bad thing if the Turbolito ones turn out to be as bad as all the previous attempts at polyurethane tubes.
Usually the cheap eBay wheels are less up to date. Same generic stuff you'll get with wiggle's own prime, Planet X, etc. Same as any other stuff, updating moulds, machinery, etc costs a lot of money, research and testing too. There's also the quality of the wheel building and quality control...
Would buy, I'd retension and true my wheels anyways, but of course you could pay £200 more and take a lot less chances.