Been through 240 saloon and gas converted estate..... both now go for silly money. Although the saloon me and brothers got to drive and promptly wrapped it round things many times, they are tanks. think it was a 262 or 242 i fancied, a weird 2 door coupe version. Couldn't afford to run one back then, can't afford to buy one now (or drop fuel in it)
had a 340 GL too which became a budget drifters choice :)
Been through 240 saloon and gas converted estate..... both now go for silly money. Although the saloon me and brothers got to drive and promptly wrapped it round things many times, they are tanks. think it was a 262 or 242 i fancied, a weird 2 door coupe version. Couldn't afford to run one back then, can't afford to buy one now (or drop fuel in it)
had a 340 GL too which became a budget drifters choice :)
Could go T5 or a 480 for fun :)