@velocio this is the correct method of reducing draughts from sash windows.
Shutters will do a little bit but that pile tape actually seals it from coming in.
Once the cold sets in you really feel the difference - we had fairly bad sash windows for three years and it took me two years before I bought that pile tape and I kicked myself for not doing it sooner. Saves a hell of a lot in heating bills too.
Shutters lol great though so if you've got the ££££££ why not
https://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-Extra-Thick-Draught-Seal-White---3-5m/p/161201 for gaps, or https://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-Pile-Tape-Draught-Seal-White---5m/p/161211 for small gaps, plus https://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-Seasonal-Secondary-Glazing-Film---6m2/p/210014 for the glazing will do more to keep the heat in than £5k of slatted shutters...