Not putting my hand up in surprise at any of that. I take issue with the nature of the reporting though. When they brought in concealed carry permits back in about 2000, the law was clear that the permits related to public property unless otherwise prohibited. On private land it was always up to the owner/manager.
See the sections on 30.06 signs.
The legislation you reference is a change to the existing penal code. It allows for churches to be treated as any other private institution.
"Senate Bill 535 amends the Penal Code to remove the premises of a church, synagogue, or other established place of religious worship from the premises on which the intentional, knowing, or reckless carrying of a handgun by a license holder constitutes an offense. "
Churches can still ban concealed weapons on the property with the appropriate signage.
Most probably will.
Every time I visit our Colorado office, I notice the "gun free facility" sticker on the doors of the office building. Even having grown up in NI, where every police officer is armed and until 1998 we had regular army checkpoints where full camo'd teenagers would empty the boot of your car while shouldering an automatic rifle, just in case you were thinking of shipping on some red diesel, that makes me think "FFS, of course, why would you bring a gun to work?!?!"
Just a sideshow while the shooting continues https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/texas-shooting-five-dead-killed-injured-midland-odessa-police-white-male-a9087151.html
Texas believes allowing guns to be carried in church is appropriate and nothing about the El Paso shooting has made them reconsider. Mormons say No.
When the Mormons are more reasonable than your state legislature, surely time to rethink.