• This is a good editorial, particularly:

    But it is not just remainers who are appalled by Mr Johnson’s behaviour. Prorogation is an exercise of royal prerogative that is tolerable in a modern democracy only insofar as it is ceremonial. Its deployment by a prime minister without an electoral mandate of his own, in pursuit of a partisan agenda for which there is no Commons majority, represents a grotesque abuse of the country’s highest political office. Mr Johnson is hijacking powers symbolically vested in the crown and wielding them in aggression against his parliamentary opponents. That he does it in pursuit of a hard Brexit is distressing for pro-Europeans. That he is prepared to do it at all should alarm everyone who values the traditions of British democracy.

    (My emphasis.)


    Obviously, as with much of all this that's currently going on, everybody is suddenly an expert in prorogation. Like most, I only know about it what I've read in the last couple of weeks, but that convinces me that Johnson is devious and wrong to do it.
