Yeah. Ektar has relatively wide tonal range (like dynamic range on digital or gamut in emitted light things) and strong colour saturation. It’s subjective but images on Ektar 120mm look nicer through my Rolleicord (a simple formula, uncoated lens) than on 135mm through Zeiss, Zuiko or Voightlander lenses. I think it’s because these lenses are all double coated and with higher overall contrast. They’re actually lenses designed for colour, but’s just a bit too much with Ektar. It’s easy to add contrast in post.
I had a look back at one roll of Ektar I shot through a 35mm Mamiya and the tones are pretty similar to what I've been getting out of 120 Mamiya with Ektar.
Maybe it is a Mamiya vs Nikon glass thing ? I'll dig out the Mamiya ZM and run another few rolls of Ektar through it.
The lab I use (Palm) scanning is pretty consistent as they only have two people working there, so I don't think it's that.
Anyone shot Ektar in 35mm and 120 ? I’ve been finding it less saturated/contrasted in 120 than 35mm. At times in 35mm it can be too much, and I prefer the look of 120 Ektar.
Wondered if this was due to the film, or some other factor ? Mamiya vs Nikon glass, difference in exposure or scanning (albeit done by the same lab) etc