5km? Is that all? I used to walk up and down a shop floor all day on leather soles and then walk >5km to/from work. But then I guess it killed when I walked around 15km across Bristol in the same shoes.
Have done some big miles in a good pair of Oxfords and not suffered, but didn’t fancy wearing them the following day. However some of the derby type shoes were comfortable day in and out.
You can be comfortable in any shoe at those distances if it’s calf, suede, or broken in well. You don’t want anything with a solid shape along the heel area, and preferably nothing too solid across the vamp.
My Loake derby shoes with leather soles did 8 hours of walking through offices (desk monitoring temp job), and a couple rubber/dainite soled shoes did a lot outdoors.
What do you need to wear them for?
I tend to walk about 3km at speed to the pub and the same distance home. Different to walking indoors. I have a pair of brogue type boots which are ok but I would like comfy shoes.
I know it’s not a long distance, I have walking boots for those.
It’s finding a pair dressy shoes which are durable and comfy.
Thinking caps on please.
Do these exist -
Any suggestions welcome. Please note, heavy soled boots/ shoes are not suitable.
Thanks all.