Anthing wildly wrong with the below plan to make under-stairs storage a bit more useful? I'm trying to do it on the cheap as it may all get ripped out in a couple of years time if we insulate / level / refinish the shit hallway floor. there is currently just some cladding on the back (external) wall of the space, so that will be taken out, then 3x2 verticals and 2x2 horizontals with a load of rockwool and some 12mm ply (in-between the verts so I can get 2 panels from a sheet) . Verticals correlate to the door frames so I can just put some shelf strips on both for shelves in the left two compartments. Should come in under £200 for materials. the horzontal line is a water pipe that I'll lag and leave relatively easy access to somehow.
Anthing wildly wrong with the below plan to make under-stairs storage a bit more useful? I'm trying to do it on the cheap as it may all get ripped out in a couple of years time if we insulate / level / refinish the shit hallway floor. there is currently just some cladding on the back (external) wall of the space, so that will be taken out, then 3x2 verticals and 2x2 horizontals with a load of rockwool and some 12mm ply (in-between the verts so I can get 2 panels from a sheet) . Verticals correlate to the door frames so I can just put some shelf strips on both for shelves in the left two compartments. Should come in under £200 for materials. the horzontal line is a water pipe that I'll lag and leave relatively easy access to somehow.
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