I think I had ~60h of moving time in 2011, so 28h of faff (10h of which was sleeping or attempting to sleep). 8pm start, rode through the first night, slept a bit 2nd night at Loudeac but not enough and had to have a doze in a shed somewhere before Carhaix, Brest and back, slept a bit 3rd night at Loudeac again (slumped on a table in the cafeteria), and then rode through the last night finishing just before midday.
60h is close to 20kph moving average.
If I wanted an extra 10h for sleep then that means 50h moving time. 1200/50 = 24kph moving.
Differences in route/controls would mean a proper rethink, as well as the earlier start times (I started at 8pm in 2011).
I've said elsewhere that I'll consider LEL or PBP again only if I got faster.
Doing both on just a few hours sleep is not great. I'd like to be fast enough to have to not rush around at controls and still get a good 4-5h of sleep a night.