I averaged I think around 230km a day so too low really. I wanted to do 280km to 300km. I was planning to increase the mileage by starting around 4am so I could do around 150km before it became really hot which I think was a good plan but unfortunately I didn't get to implement it.
Actually 250km over first 5 days before neck issues set in so not fantastic but not terrible either.
Well, try to work on some more strengthening exercises, increase core exercises. Might see how to raise my bars a little and tinker with my position on the bike. There is not much info on the subject so hard to know exactly what will work.
I averaged I think around 230km a day so too low really. I wanted to do 280km to 300km. I was planning to increase the mileage by starting around 4am so I could do around 150km before it became really hot which I think was a good plan but unfortunately I didn't get to implement it.
Actually 250km over first 5 days before neck issues set in so not fantastic but not terrible either.