Things being more and more polarised over brexit is what has saved the libdems from their fully deserved obscurity after enabling the Tory cunts starting this whole mess. Bring able to say they are the remain party is the only thing that has seen them regain ground of late, Labour trying to actually prevent no deal, and possibly brexit, ruins this and they know it, hence the roll back in Swinson's daft tweet that showed they prefer no deal to Corbyn in charge for a few weeks, and this one, that lies outright, trying to say Corbyn is a Brexiteer. In reality he's probably got a pretty similar opinion to a lot of other people before things became so binary, which is that the EU is a bit shit in a lot of ways, but definitely something we're better off being a part of and trying to make better.
[the Lib Dems] prefer no deal to Corbyn in charge for a few weeks
You could just as honestly (read: not very) say that Corbyn would prefer no deal to someone else being in charge for a few weeks. Fault on both sides here. Only the partisan say otherwise.
Things being more and more polarised over brexit is what has saved the libdems from their fully deserved obscurity after enabling the Tory cunts starting this whole mess. Bring able to say they are the remain party is the only thing that has seen them regain ground of late, Labour trying to actually prevent no deal, and possibly brexit, ruins this and they know it, hence the roll back in Swinson's daft tweet that showed they prefer no deal to Corbyn in charge for a few weeks, and this one, that lies outright, trying to say Corbyn is a Brexiteer. In reality he's probably got a pretty similar opinion to a lot of other people before things became so binary, which is that the EU is a bit shit in a lot of ways, but definitely something we're better off being a part of and trying to make better.