'Courier' it is then!
But as I said in my post above, this word was often muddled by people who ought to have known better.
Perhaps the sales people at Dawes thought their machine would suit the messenger market, but I doubt it. An example of this sort of muddling is that some Hercules advertising in the 1950's stated that their bike was fitted with GB 'Courier' brakes, but old Gerry Burgess knew better than that and had actually named them 'Coureur'.
As to the colour, most red flams are pretty much the same, but your photo shows the colour as a bit darker than normal - it might almost be called maroon. I think it's quite possible this is the effect of the passage of 72 years, so you may have to decide whether to make it look like it appears now, but repainted, or take it back to the way it looked when new.
Personally, I would stick to cleaning it and wiping with an oily rag. Had you noticed that the machine in the catalogue picture appears to have 27" rims, whereas I think yours has 26's (the position of the brake blocks in the calipers is the clue)? If you plan to do much riding I suggest you consider changing to 700's, which will enable you to get good tyres and will improve its riding qualities. Anyway, it certainly looks a desirable machine and I hope you have many enjoyable miles with it.